Anonymous Coward · 2y

you've prolly shared this somewhere but pls pls pls pls pls urisusie domestic headcanons

I DONT THINK I HAVE ACTUALLY WTF. i think about domestic urisusie every day of my life theyre so ;__; ough. i like to think that at some point later down the line when the world isnt ending every other day they settle down in a nice little house and get married and are the most obnoxiously sweet couple in [location i havent decided yet] like theyre the breakfast in bed always going on cute dates matching outfits type couple. theyd probably have a really intricately decorated house that they spent ages working on together, like theres a really nice kitchen where they bake and cook together a lot, a cute little library for urianger (with a corner for susie to sit with whatever craft project she current has of course), a needlessly big dining room juuust in case anyone comes around for tea or a meal (theyre absolutely the best hosts), just one of those really cosy storybook looking cottages :] they go out a lot on walks or visiting people or just wandering around bc susie cant sit still for very long especially after how long it took her to recover after the end of 6.0 but nights are always super chill and calm urianger makes them both tea sometimes they sit outside with some blankets and stargaze... :] ast couple momence. uhhhhh what else im forgetting everything ive ever thought about. whatever ill add to this when i remember more <3

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