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Anonymous Coward · 2y

(SHB spoilers) is pepi's appearance changed at all by the whole light poisoning thing in shb? what would aymeric think of that? or does pepi have any other changes that aymeric would notice when she returns from the first?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what's that one part where estinien carries the wol back to the camp... aymeric is there for that right?? how does he feel seeing pepi so badly injured...

Anonymous Coward · 2y

if pepi wasnt an adventurer what would she be doing ?

ohhh i dont know... i cant imagine her wanting to stay in one place for long is the thing, the only part of his adult life he didnt spend wandering was immediately post amnesia when he worked at the limsa docks for a while bc she lost all her money and belongings, before that he was a wandering naturalist and bard (not the combat type he sang and played instruments at pubs and shit.) i guess itd have to be that, if the events that led to her losing her memory and washing up in la noscea never happened she would still be roaming around, drawing and writing about flora and fauna he found on his travels :]

Anonymous Coward · 2y

i like urisusie because theyre BOTH the supermodel wife

Anonymous Coward · 2y

is one partner in urisusie more prone to getting flustered, flustering the other, being a goof at the wrong moments etc. they sound so lovedovey im enamoured

ohhh... i think they both are prone to getting very flustered. susie is very affectionate with people in general and is pretty calm when receiving affection Unless its romantic then she gets flustered very easily, especially with the way urianger usually shows affection with her something about it just makes her so . bewebwoebwoe. and when hes being silly and goofing around she just explodes... urianger is similar both bc susie just has that effect on people and bc shes so open with giving affection he just isnt expecting it theyre so obnoxiously lovey dovey i hate (love) them

Anonymous Coward · 2y

urisusie. i like them. what would/is their first date like

Anonymous Coward · 2y

what's uriangers favorite thing about susie :)?

WA.... probably how sociable she is and how much she cares about everyone and everything... shes always trying to cheer people up and be there for them and will stop at nothing to befriend someone despite how hard it may be shes always incredibly earnest and i think he would really admire that about her :] its the reason they even became close in the first place, she noticed how he didnt really talk with the other scions all that much or get involved socially so she went out of her way to get to know him and make sure he wasnt too lonely

Anonymous Coward · 2y


Anonymous Coward · 2y

you've prolly shared this somewhere but pls pls pls pls pls urisusie domestic headcanons

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