Anonymous Coward · 2y

urisusie. i like them. what would/is their first date like

A HEEM HEEM... its sometime between 5.3 and 5.4 since yknow. they had bigger things to worry about 5.0-5.3 and wanted to wait until things were a bit calmer until they made anything official, so a bit after everyones back in the source and have fully recovered susie takes him to limsa to meet her dad and around then is when they have their first date :] she takes him to a little cafe she liked a lot when she was younger and they just. have a nice chill day for once they go for a nice walk by the beach then they go home and bake together and its really cheesy and cute. urianger... isnt very good at it but its endearing so its ok. its literally like the typical cheesy couple baking together scene :') afterwards they have a quiet night in for once after a long while of being in constant mortal peril

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