Anonymous Coward · 2y

what's that one part where estinien carries the wol back to the camp... aymeric is there for that right?? how does he feel seeing pepi so badly injured...

yeah he is hes there when the wol wakes up in the infirmary... its really rough for him they dont get to see each other super often bc theyre so busy and are almost always far apart so for aymeric to hear that pepis there but in really bad condition is. yeah. pepis a mess both physically and mentally at that point like shes usually so stoic and needs a lot of prompting to open up about anything but she was at breaking point for so long in 4.4-4.55 and losing alisaie is the final straw, as soon as hes alone with aymeric he lets it alllll out. shes confided in aymeric and had vulnerable moments with him before of course but hes never seen her like that and its just really like. idk how to put it into words. he feels awful bc he doesnt know how long shes been holding all that in and just kept on going, but at the same time hes glad hes letting it all out and that he feels comfortable confiding in him since he knows how much shes struggled with intimacy and such. they dont get a spend a ton of time there together bc of the whole (gestures vaguely) but aymeric stays as long as he can just holding him and stroking his hair ;__; its probably the first time he ever saw her actually cry like not just tearing up full on sobs...

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