Anonymous Coward · 2y

(SHB spoilers) is pepi's appearance changed at all by the whole light poisoning thing in shb? what would aymeric think of that? or does pepi have any other changes that aymeric would notice when she returns from the first?

i havent thought super in depth about how his appearance changes but it definitely does, i think hed have a lot more scales (primarily along her spine and on her back in general) and theyd go from plain black to having other colours in there and having a short of like. glittery sheen to them like gold parts of sin eaters, other things too but i cantttt think of them rn. aymeric doesnt think too much of it beyond it being a signifier of what pepi went through while in the first, though she is kind of self conscious about it and the attention it attracts so he doesnt point it out or make a big deal of it at all. i think what he notices most is how differently he acts when hes back from the first for realsies, like shes mellowed out a lot if that makes sense. shes almost died on several occasions shes come close to losing almost everyone she cares about she just wants to grill goddammit! hes still a bit standoffish and stoic but he doesnt actively try to keep people out anymore and hes more open with showing people she cares and being affectionate. shes still dealing through a lot of issues caused by what happened in shb but hes approaching it in a much healthier way and ultimately aymerics just happy shes home and ok and hes not depending on ominous dreams to figure out whats going on with her LOL. the number 1 thing he notices though is that he smiles a lot more now. it catches him off guard initially but he is absolutely not going to complain pepi has a wonderful smile :]

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