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❝ LYNEY 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 ❞ ⌗ · 8 answers · 11mo

im world's sleepiest guy. qotd whats the longest youve ever slept for

can't remember, i don't think i've ever been able to go to sleep before 6PM or continue to sleep past 10AM, so it's hypothetically possible I slept 12-16 hours at some point but no longer.

i remember this soooo vividly

i was in like 4th grade and after school on a friday my parents picked me up and we went to kohls and jc pennys and shopped around for a bit and got back home like around 4/5pm and i grabbed my ipad and went to my room and didnt even. make it through a whole yt video before i fell asleep. i slept from like 5pm friday afternoon to 7/8pm monday night.

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