Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 9mo

Can you explain the habit and social function of "gender reveal parties" to me? All I can see is a bit of silly boasting tbh. I mean come on any fool can make a baby and there is a chance that the child has some sort of gender, yes? Do they open a big ballon filled with glitter and reveal at 3 months of age: Tadaaa!! It's genderfluid? Is this but rich bored peole having found a new reason to be proud? About what? I really do not get it? Are those people a bit sick in their head?

People just want to have fun. Plus nowadays you can post some pics on social media to get extra happiness. That combined with "family proudness" results in such parties.

Needless to say the results may not scale well when dealing with wealthier/more famous people.

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