A Curious Flamingo · 2y

Hello! I've been having some trouble with the theme player from the Toggle V2 freebie
On your preview page the song plays when clicked, I've tried doing the same on one of my characters but instead I get sent to YT
Is there any quick way to do this/fix this? I've tried figuring out how the link works but I end up botching the code :/
If not is there any way to quickly remove the link (music player) and just make it into regular text? :]

if you wanna get rid of the music player, completely remove the iframe code and instead wrap the song name in a direct link to the video; if you need help beyond this please try asking on the forums, as stated in my rules i do not provide troubleshooting or customization support for my freebies! there's people on the forums who can help or there is a TH coding discord server you can join: https://discord.gg/hZFvnww

Retrospring uses Markdown for formatting

*italic text* for italic text

**bold text** for bold text

[link](https://example.com) for link