⠀ ꒰ ♡︎ puddin · 11 answers · 15d

꒰ 🫧 question of the day time: if you were a idol group manager and your group had lore what would it be ? (Sorry if this question doesn’t make sense English isn’t really my first languange T^T)

idol group where each of them is a diff subgenre of vkei. ♪ ive thought about it for a long time... they'd make songs for whatever they'd really like, just the characteristics of each member could be like. Special to their own & they'd always have a way for it to sound peak...

.   ! SPACE. the group would be named Cygnus (the swan constellation), their stage names are based off of different stars inside the constellation (the center would be Deneb), and the lore could be like the stars drifting apart for different reasons then slowly reuniting!!! and the aesthetic would be all light and airy and feathery but also slightly unpredictable/whimsical
[can u tell i really like space . . . ]

Knockoff Niigo...Like idols who want to find their purpose via singing...the theme is like...hospitals and shit

it does make sense ! ^_^
fantasy stuff maybe. OH OH think like uh. project sekai white day cards...... yeah.

It makes sense! I might make up some sci-fi story about how the group met on a space expedition or something like that. If I had more time, I might write out a full story!

Shakes. I have a few ideas.

  • Zodiac signs. I don't know, I think it'd be fun. Do I know exactly what that would entail? No.
  • Tarot cards...... Hm.
  • Kind of sci-fi futuristic type things. Can I make them have weapons. Yay to killing things.
  • Tired students or something.
  • Virtual.. cybernetic... robot??
  • I had an idea but I forgot it, just know I had one more.

this is so specific /pos
uhmm. childhood friends maybe? idk a ton about idol groups and stuff but i kinda wanna get into it

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