
19 | he/they

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vika :3 · 2mo

lord . i have so many wips that idek where to begin im going insane i just need to lay on the floor forever

whole month late bc i forgot abt my retrospring but that's too real .. the wips are evil.. i believe in u tho ... salutes

Anon · 2mo

OUGHHHHHH IM SO INSANE ABOUT ALL OF IT, I need so much more i miss them sm already . They make me sick i love them

SAME ..,, I CAN'T STAND THEM UUGGGHH . i'm never gonna look at tables the same this is horrible

Anon · 2mo

Hiii just wanted to say that I love your art!! Your artstyle’s really cute/soft and it’s always great to see what you’ve drawn! also I was wondering if you have an avatar/persona you represent yourself with? It’s ok if you don’t btw! I was just thinking about drawing something for you out of appreciation :D

awwjdgwwj thank you so much...!!! that means lot to me to hear truly ;w;
i do not currently have an avatar or any kind of persona..! i generally just draw fandom stuff so i never usually make OCs or anything fhehsgsj most of my brain is occupied by kaveh .. but thank you so much aaughg 😭...!!!! whoever u are i am gnawing on your arm /pos

Anon · 8mo

I’ve never thought I would start liking hkvh romantic vampire AUs I mean the mere tought of them living together FOREVER AND EVER in a huge fancy mansion just vibing and having coffee, blood and each other’s bodies and reading together in front of a fireplace or dancing to classic music and appreciating knowledge through centuries while lying in a huge comfy bed with silky clothes and gazin at each other and basically doing whatever they want it’s just…. Ahh my heart sorrY kskfjjdjdksd

OHH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS..??????? them being together forever n EVER.. ohhghgh. Ohhhgnjdfkbffffffff
i've always enjoyed vampire aus but i never thought about it like this...... i will be doing a very large amount of thinking today...... thank you........ (and if you have any other bits to share about this please do... i am incredibly interested............)

Anon · 8mo

You asked about AUs or headcanons.. so!! Mermaid Kaveh (or Haitham!!) is one It makes me so happy and I have no idea why, there’s something about it I’m just obsessed with. Your previous 🐟 Kaveh pieces were absolutely adorable too 🥹😭

YESSS MERMAID KAVEH...!!!! mermaid alhaitham is good too omg... i have personally been thinking about mermaid kaveh a lot as of late... alhaitham visiting him down at the water aaaaaaaa...............
kaveh visiting 🐟 haitham also sounds really good though... he would be so excited and interested seeing a mermaid for the first time😭!!!!!!!!! auhghgh they make me so happy

Anon · 1y

I love your art style so much!! Especially how you draw Kaveh, he looks so soft

Anon · 1y

will you ever open comms 👁️👁️

POTENTIALLY... I am still working out some stuff irl right now but I am thinking about it once I get it settled...!!!! :]

Anon · 1y

When you when I when I um yeah, Kaveh reminder

thank you i always need a kaveh reminder.... he will be here soon!!!!!! my boy......

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