Anon · 8mo

I’ve never thought I would start liking hkvh romantic vampire AUs I mean the mere tought of them living together FOREVER AND EVER in a huge fancy mansion just vibing and having coffee, blood and each other’s bodies and reading together in front of a fireplace or dancing to classic music and appreciating knowledge through centuries while lying in a huge comfy bed with silky clothes and gazin at each other and basically doing whatever they want it’s just…. Ahh my heart sorrY kskfjjdjdksd

OHH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS..??????? them being together forever n EVER.. ohhghgh. Ohhhgnjdfkbffffffff
i've always enjoyed vampire aus but i never thought about it like this...... i will be doing a very large amount of thinking today...... thank you........ (and if you have any other bits to share about this please do... i am incredibly interested............)

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