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gold nugget · 8d

Hi my lovely authors 🧚🏼‍♀️

I am not good with grief and loss, however you might find some comfort in my words so i wish to give it a try.
My beloved, i didn't even know that you are snake moms!!! (I do know you are cats moms!!)
How did she find her way to you two??

I'm sorry to hear that she isn't with you anymore. I never had a pet. So i can only imagine what losing a companion feels like.

I hope you are grieving well.
This isn't meant to be rude or insensitive, I'm sorry if it sounds like it.
But i do, truly hope, you are grieving well. And take your time to grief.
I've heard grief is all the remains of love which you weren't able to give because time has so rudely interrupted.
If you grief it means that you still have a lot of love left, right?
I think thats beautiful.
To love someone so much, to have love continuing while the other can not actively receive it anymore.
Ziva was loved, wasn't she?
You love her, still.
I'm sure she loves you as well.

I think that regardless of what body a soul gets to host, it'll always find it's way back to the love they've known from previous lives.
I do not know what you believe happens after death, therefore this might not give you a lot of comfort.
However, I'm sure she will see your end, just like you have seen hers. And she will make her way into a new body and meet you again. You'll be recognised by the love you've held for her and she will find her way back to you.

But for now,
Do you have any memories to share?
How did you find her? Do you have a favourite memory? Did she have a favourite attorney? Any cute habits?
She probably has heard you talk and create so many worlds!! A very good listener i assume.
I'm sure she'll still be around to listen to you talk and discuss.
I like sharing memories. Its what keeps them existing in this world.
However, these memories are very precious as well, so i understand if you wish to keep them for yourselves.
If you ever wish to share some memories, feel free to do so!! I promise to keep them safe within me.

Grieving is loving, so grief for as long as you can. And maybe, all the hurt and pain will one day be overpowered by love. And maybe one day grief can let go of the bitterness of love. For you to love more freely. And to recall memories with a little less heavy heart.

Im sorry for your loss. Im glad you got to love and be loved.

How well you two have done, to love her for throughout her life. And to continue, even in death.

I hope she visits you in your dreams and in sudden recalling memories.

I'm sending you a big hug, soft fingertips running through your back.

In love and magic
Your fairy 🧚🏼‍♀️

(I'm sorry if I failed to give you any comfort. I hope I didn't make it worse. I tried, truly.)

We actually had three snakes. A corn snake (Qhuinn), a ball python (Zecil), and a Brazilian rainbow boa (Ziva). Now there's just Qhuinn and Zecil left. We also have a crested gecko called Zhangæk (we like the letter Z for reptiles' names, as you might be able to sense) and then of course the cats (2 Maine coons and 2 ragdolls). We love animals, a lot, since we're not super good at human interactions and animals are just kind, sweet, and easy to understand.

We got Ziva at a reptile expo when she was only a few months old. She was so small she could be wrapped around a wrist and she lived in a small glass cage of emotion until she grew out of it - the terrarium she spend her last days in was a vivarium so there was cuban isopods and springtails (they were acting as cleaning crew) in the soil. They now live in a box by themselves and will have to be fed until we find a new use for them because it would be cruel to get rid of them just because our baby doesn't have a need for a cleaning crew anymore. We'd actually just bought her a bigger enclosure which we were in the midst of turning into a bigger and better vivarium for her, but those plans kinda went up in flames. So now we just have a huge enclosure. And also a lot of rats in the freezer which are too large for either Qhuinn or Zecil to eat and we don't really know anyone nearby who has snakes the size of a rainbow boa...

She had this amazing ability where you could squish the sides of her head delicately - her temples, I guess - because there's some soft tissue under there and she didn't mind it. It looks really cute and it's something she has never shied away from - just like she's never been headshy or afraid of getting headpats. She was also very curious and has broken our of her terrarium a number of times and never gotten too far because, 1) she's almost 2 meters long, and 2) she's very noisy. Also because she's a tropical species, she needs a large water dish and she loved bathing and oftentimes blew bubbles under water from her nostrils. It's very endearing. She was also extremely good at striking - biting out after her rats - and was so quick about it too. She was a very majestic creature and very friendly too, but also very steadfast.

Technically, she is Hela's snake but we've both been taking care of her for a lot of years now just like we do with all of our pets. They're all of our pets equally regardless of who bought them so we share the chores between us. Kinda wish one of us could go mist her terrarium right now. It's tedious but at least it meant she was still there and ready for sprint out and drink the water excitedly.

There's probably a rainforest she's hanging out in right now, full of juicy rats and pretty trees she can hang from.

You've read how we love, so you know how much it hurts. This was really sweet of you to send even it it made both of us bawl again, so thank you, Fairy💖

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