Anonymous Coward · 1y

Not saying you should do porn of your SLARPG characters, but would you ever be okay talking about their sex lives at all? What they enjoy doing, etc? Or do you want to keep them out of any nsfw context?

i debated a lot over how much i wanted to touch on more adult subject matter in the game due to a wide variety of complex factors. (i previously talked about this more extensively on my sfw account here: it's theoretically possible that i could write something with these characters in the future that acknowledges sex a bit more openly, but i'm unlikely to push it too far

however, if you're trying to see if you can ask me about their sex lives on here, then the answer is generally no lol. i am not going to turn this account into a secret club where people can go to ask me what melody's favorite positions are or whatever. that is not a good idea. i do not need my AD getting cited on a fan wiki. i do not need people to pass around links to the twitter account where i draw my fursona getting public use'd as a place to go for secret sexy trivia about the novas

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