Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

my loves · 5mo

thank you for your response! i just don’t understand why people are buying 10s of albums while preaching about not posting about boycotting waterbomb. i suppose i didn’t really think about whether or not they had bought second-hand or not. anyways thank you for your response :)

If you're comfortable with them, I recommend just a complete honest conversation about it 🥹 You never know how people are going about things/what they know in general.

The way everyone is going about things/what information/knowledge people have regarding boycotts, and what is happening in Palestine in general, is very different.

What people are/aren't comfortable with is also very different. You might not need it, but in case you do, you are NOT a bad person if you decide to mute/sb/block anyone who doesn't align with what you're comfortable with, no matter your relation beforehand 💛

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