Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

REMINDER: Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mo 💛
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my loves · 1mo

i love ur love for fuma 💗 i go to ur acc for fuma contents because its so sweet and funny please never leave i love you. 🫶

OH?!?! 😭🥹 this is so cute HELLO WHO ARE YOU?!?! I LOVE YOU
also...not that I love fuma...BUT IF I DID!! I am glad you're here loving his content too 🥹

my loves · 2mo

And I only care about ni-ki cuz he was bullied and targeted by haters, I feel protective of him , I would never think of harming him, I actually already left kpop cuz of that, I think I will leave kpop again cuz it just toxic, including kpop fans who judge others cuz their age, I am not allowed to like kpop idols cuz I am 30 😒

??? "🫦" tweets and comments about his appearance is not what i'd call being protective. it's NOT about your age (i'm 27!! we're similar ages), it's about the ACTIONS you take AT your age. you're free to like kpop idols at whatever age you want!! you are not free to be WEIRD about them

my loves · 2mo

yeah...this is weird behaviour and weird reasoning. NO adult our age range should be commenting on idols in that way who are so young, even as a joke. ESPECIALLY as you interact with minors/newly 18y.o's here. they'll start thinking that it's okay for the adults around them to make comments like that about people their age, and it's NOT.

why on earth would you think that's acceptable to do? it's not an attack on your age (i'm 27!! we're similar ages!!) it's the ACTIONS you've taken at your age

my loves · 2mo

why did you block me?

if this is who was the most recent block, then it's because I have tried softblocking multiple times. your twts about idols like maki & ni-ki being "hot" & "sexy," and wanting to see maki's older brother to "confirm something" whilst you are now 30 makes me highly uncomfortable. I also just find your overall vibe to be uncomfortable & often insensitive.

if this is not you, then I tend to only block people who: are weirdly possessive & cruel to other stans, people who are disrespectful to boycotters, and people who were recently culturally insensitive or spreading misinfo on kluné.

my loves · 2mo

In no way excusing it, but on the acknowledgment of the tragedy, did SEVENTEEN’s notices acknowledge it? I feel HLJ’s notices are always a touch too late as if they’re waiting from the wording or approvals from higher ups… :/

while the jpn twt for svt hasn't said anything themselves, they've rted the main korean one that announced the postponements and directly acknowledged the tragedy 💛

very basic, but at least it's something & actual acknowledgement of the tragedy

my loves · 8mo

Which member are you most like? ^^

my loves · 2mo

im shy so i just say it here. hehe i love you, you are my fav luné 🫶🏻

my loves · 3mo

i wish u would leave this fandom we dont need company asslickers

?? I boycott for palestine & am awaiting 💥 PD's downfall 🫣 I am the last person to call a company a**licker

pointing out that promotions aren't always as bad as they seem does not equal supporting a's just logic and brain power 💛

my loves · 3mo

kpop fans plz realize that even JO1 and INI’s very first music station appearance was late 2023 and it was groundbreaking…… music shows have fixed slots for kpop groups but even jp kpop idol groups have to play the industry politics game😔

my loves · 3mo

Mo! Thank you for the summary of your thoughts. I do think you’re right that some i-LUNÉ do not have a gauge on the “random” shows K goes on. MANY j-idols want that quarterly Love It assignment!

I don't support h*be in general, but on a promotion front, they're not as bad as we think! (at least in SOME areas). K is doing so well 🥹 I see more and more people recognise him when they see &team perform, and then ask about the other members too and song recs 🥹💛

my loves · 6mo

thank you for your response! i just don’t understand why people are buying 10s of albums while preaching about not posting about boycotting waterbomb. i suppose i didn’t really think about whether or not they had bought second-hand or not. anyways thank you for your response :)

If you're comfortable with them, I recommend just a complete honest conversation about it 🥹 You never know how people are going about things/what they know in general.

The way everyone is going about things/what information/knowledge people have regarding boycotts, and what is happening in Palestine in general, is very different.

What people are/aren't comfortable with is also very different. You might not need it, but in case you do, you are NOT a bad person if you decide to mute/sb/block anyone who doesn't align with what you're comfortable with, no matter your relation beforehand 💛

my loves · 6mo

genuine question why do you think boycotting photos of waterbomb is more important than monetarily boycotting hybe. buying hybe albums puts money directly in zionist pockets (&team’s album distributors are universal music group who are extreme open zionists) so surely buying albums while proclaiming that people should boycott is a questionable….

my loves · 7mo

Momo ur very kind and unhinged ILY

my loves · 7mo

i'm curious, where do you from?

user @joxrika 🎀

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