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my loves · 14d

Yeah it me who asked, I dont care for the block but was carious, as for my tweets about maki being sexy most time I am not even serious, it just Going with the flow or trend of what other fans say, I am not serious most the time and I am not into kids, & I can't do anything about my age, at least I am not hiding my age I am comfortable with who I am, and yeah I did think Maki older brother and father was probably hot as well so Now saying someone is hot is crime!
If it make you uncomfortable it ok, I understand why you block, but I am really not bad person at least I don't mean to make people uncomfortable just like to act funny or I think I am funny.
I am sorry anyway.

yeah...this is weird behaviour and weird reasoning. NO adult our age range should be commenting on idols in that way who are so young, even as a joke. ESPECIALLY as you interact with minors/newly 18y.o's here. they'll start thinking that it's okay for the adults around them to make comments like that about people their age, and it's NOT.

why on earth would you think that's acceptable to do? it's not an attack on your age (i'm 27!! we're similar ages!!) it's the ACTIONS you've taken at your age

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