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anonymous · 2mo

Real Yi Sang was actually kind of infamous for sleeping around to the point that him being bisexual has become an actual point of discussion in academia so just thinking it'd be So funny to imagine one of the Sinners trying to have sex with him thinking he's a virgin because of his personality and then being completely shocked once they get down to it

GOD YEAH THAT IS SO FUNNY TO IMAGINE. that reminds me i need to look more into the academia / documentation around the irl yi sang cause i know to many contemporaries he was Strange and i know he probably would be seen the same now but like. i dont know. there is a lot to him that i want to know more about cause i know a lot of that in relation to his works informs a lot of what limbus ys character turned out to be like. also again just really funny to imagine them expecting him to be a virgin and then. well. surprise. probably cause of db but also white room related horrors. that torture chamber dude.

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