Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Lwitch · 12mo

In comparison to when you first started working on TSR to now, how has your liking of the routes/main characters and side characters evolved since then?

I think I'm looking most forward to getting to the second half of will's route because that's where a lot of the most exciting crazy stuff happens, and it's where more of the mystery elements can start sliding into place.

Parts of Nik route are going to be very emotionally painful to write so I'm not looking forward to that, but I do look forward to writing the happier endings for him eventually.

Murdoch might still be up there for favorite route to write from beginning to end but I have a feeling the ends for his route will be a lot tougher to lands.

Cliff route I still feel the same about-- cautiously optimistic.

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