Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

a shadow · 1y

and lately, thoughts on kareem (definitely not kareem, most definitely not him at all).

alright, not kareem. first of all, i apologize for accidentally deleting your ask i was trying to re-type my response but well… on another note, he is what you could say the perfect personification of gentle sunday morning sea breeze and freshly baked bread. not because of his au but how everytime you see him around he’s a breath of fresh air that immediately brings comfort when you have him around. he gives off a vibe of a friend that you had known for a long time, despite briefly only interacting with him. he is one of the people that lifts my days up immediately even solely because of his presence. he is a joy to be around. his radio shows are one of my favorite things in this little space on the internet. keep doing what you do, you are quite a cool person with beautiful mind, and lovely words. i’d still would like to get to know you more.

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