Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

soogyu believer · 3mo omg yoonie please consider... canon complaint is my absolute favorite trope when i actually believe theres definitely something going on between the characters irl which is sgyvs case and cmon... scrolling through your retro and who could do it better than u? You don't have to if you don't want to of course but if you have the time for it, please consider 💕 (like not only sgyv but i LOVE ur words and how u form sentences? Poetic and intriguing)

this is so sweet, anon.. thank you 😩❤️ same here! I haven't read many fics but the ones I did read for sgyv were all canon compliant lol.. maybe while I wait for the comeback I can work on something but can't say for sure if I'll have an end result lol

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