
she/her 22 lily lover

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ny · 6d

i think you’re cute and a good writer hehe i have a crush on you eeeheheheh

Anonymous Coward · 6d

is that leejeong or munjung on the right? also taerae leaning his chin on the guy in the middle... whomst art thou mysterious trainee who taerae feels comfortable enough to do that with?

its leejeong!! i also want to know so badly who the person in the middle is bc it doesnt seem like a known wakeone trainee… i wonder if hes some kind of missing piece… maybe the invisible 4th person to the jeongbinrae dynamic. wouldnt that be so crazy if there used to be a different guy and hanbin replaced him. what if hanbin was the outsider?? lots to consider

Anonymous Coward · 6d

what if … yunlij

OK SOOOOOOO guess who started another wip... start isn't even an accurate word because no words have been written down but i have the concept in my mind. they're in space. that's all i can say. i don't like thinking too hard about my fics and i figure out the plot points as i go. i only go in with the vibe. but trust me im trying!!!!

Anonymous Coward · 7d

that itaseo on the floor video is crazy the way kt only started protesting once he realized there was a camera 😵‍💫

LIKEEE i tweeted this yesterday but if this is what yunseo is doing to keita in public in front of cameras wtf is he doing to keita at home???

you get the feeling yunseo does this a lot because keita just lets him. but i wonder if keita ever plays into it?? is keita different at home?? that aside omfgggggg yunseo is down BAD for keita you cant make this stuff up… yearnseo is real…

Anonymous Coward · 7d

2binz are kinda close AF it's crazy, did you know that gyuvin's mom got hanbin fancy bagels and asked gyuvin to come home s… — wow i didnt know they were doing all this… haha its sweet that gyuvins parents like shanbin that much. i also agree that shb… https://retrospring.net/@gunwook/a/112700962630153454
didn't he met hao before shanbin?

Anonymous Coward · 7d

What could get you back into writing mattbin?

a cosmic world ending event lol ngl i really love mattbin’s dynamic its so great and i love fics that can showcase their dynamic but i feel like i would need a big event or reveal of information for me to feel inspired enough to write something. everything i really needed to say about mattbin i already said back in my wedding fic. so i continue to indulge in mattbin moments and i would love to read more mattbin fic (send recs) but i havent felt compelled to write yet.

Anonymous Coward · 8d

What about matthaobin as an RPS trio?

um hm... im ngl i find mattbin the most compelling out of the three dynamics here and i haven't really thought about much beyond that... but if you wish you/whoever is reading this could explain to me why others find it compelling and ill try to understand 🧐

Anonymous Coward · 7d

what r ur icks in fanfic tropes, themes, tags etc.

sunghanbin · 8d

where’s the itaseo yuri

sorry im trying ok the yuri is hard now i feel like i set my expectations for myself too high... im a little stuck ugh

Anonymous Coward · 8d

what's an underrated ship you wish people would love more?

Anonymous Coward · 9d

2binz are kinda close AF it's crazy, did you know that gyuvin's mom got hanbin fancy bagels and asked gyuvin to come home solely to take them for hanbin plus he said that hanbin would often visit his parents and go bowling with his family like😵‍💫 I feel like maybe gyuvin has never met a real gay man in his life (lol) and hanbin being so nice to him kinda to rocked his world (kinda)

wow i didnt know they were doing all this… haha its sweet that gyuvins parents like shanbin that much. i also agree that shb is the first real gay man gyuvin has ever met, i guess its opening his eyes in a way for the better

Anonymous Coward · 11d

jeongbinrae is so yummy scrumptious because it just is the craziest dynamics ive ever seen in a trio ever!! made even crazier by the fact that they’re not even in the same group!!! how will we live when they actually ARE in the same group and interacting daily idk!!

SOOO GOOD… like theyre the perfect trio, they influence each other in crazy and unimaginable ways. i love it. i cant wait for the day they become a permanent group it’s gonna be so beautiful… lowkey giving exo’s friendships maybe. something kind of familiar there idk how to explain can a fellow exo-l come help…

Anonymous Coward · 13d

the mattbingyub thoughts go brrr have you ever thought about this trio in a rps perspective?

hmmm interesting trio… i feel like there isnt enough happening between gyb and smt for the trio to become super compelling to me. i feel like gyb can be a good third character, as someone shb gets closer to and confides in about mattbin. but its still interesting the relationship gyb and shb have theyre so close… kind of unexpected to me actually

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