Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

hi! i didnt want to risk making you uncomfortable by publicly putting this on twt, but are you okay with proship/profic people interacting? 💖

hey no worries! this is prob going on twitter anyway tho lol and also this will be LONG! tw I'm going to mention nasty and abusive things incl p*dophilia, pls don't read if you don't feel comf

I'm gonna be honest, I feel like everyone has a different understanding of what proship/anti even means which is why my profile doesn't say anything about it. if everyone has a different understanding of the term, the term becomes meaningless bc it isn't telling me anything. in general I don't care what someone ships or writes about as long as it doesn't have the potential for harm (which is a whole new can of worms, because we can all argue about what has a potential for harm). for me the thing that is always harmful, that I never want to see/interact with full stop, is ANYTHING sexual involving kids (teens writing nsfw about other teens is different. sure go nuts I don't read it so I won't see it and it's their right to explore their sexuality in a safe way). I think no matter what, even if only 1 other person sees an image or fic sexualizing a child, there's potential for harm (could argue that that IS harm in itself)!! kids should never be sexualized, period. otherwise I'm kind of live and let live because I think the potential for harm is far smaller when we get into the impact of "normalizing" or sexualizing certain things. since fic in general is a niche interest, someone's fic that sexualizes abuse (though I think it's gross) would realistically only reach a few thousand people max (as I said tho, it's different when kids are involved and even 1 person seeing that is too many. it's different bc seeing that shit CAN make people more likely to be ok with child abuse and even perpetuate it). there's nuance surrounding other stuff tho and imo the impact would be relatively small. I prefer not to see incest and sexualized abuse etc but I can't know why people do what they do and ultimately I won't. fic is hugely cathartic, so maybe it's a way to process things in their own life. I can't know that without talking to them/reading those fics and I'm not going to do that lol so ultimately I will never know.
all that to say, I don't think someone's bio saying proship/anti tells me anything about what they actually believe or interact with. I follow some people who post shit I don't always like or agree with but I truly don't mind that hard. I don't think what you read about or ship has anything to do with your morality as a person (except kids beep beep absolutely I think sexualizing kids makes someone a shit person). so basically: it really isn't simple for me. please don't interact if your profile sexualizes children. otherwise I Do Not Care and if something you post bothers me I just won't follow you lmao. if this message was sent to Make Sure I'm Morally Sound you can respond as you see fit and unfollow if you don't like what I said, as that is also your prerogative!

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