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Anonymous Coward · 3y

hey i know in your latest answer you said that teens should be allowed to explore their sexuality by writing nsfw about other teens, but what about teens writing smut featuring adult characters? would it make you uncomfortable knowing that you read smut written by someone underaged if you didn't know they were underaged when you read it?

interesting question... i mean yeah? that's not ideal and makes me uncomfortable but realistically its kind of impossible to make sure everything ive ever read was written by an adult. imo i feel like i can Tell when something's written by someone in high school (like from the wording/writing style/dialogue/even format and themes) but that's not even close to foolproof. theres def a possibility that ive read nsfw written by someone under 18. it kind of comes with ao3 being an anonymous platform

also i think teens writing smut have no obligation to disclose that theyre teens. i dont think what theyre doing is wrong or they should stop doing it bc some adult somewhere might be uncomfortable if they knew. their right to explore their sexuality safely trumps that by far imo. i think people using the internet are allowed to stay anonymous and not worry about the hypothetical feelings of some rando. when i was a teen i didnt even KNOW adults were still reading fic lol i kind of assumed it was all written by people like me

long story short: yes it makes me uncomfortable but thats my problem and teens should be allowed to write fic without worrying about potential discomfort

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