Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

gimme all the trans iwa hcs pls and ty

oh hell yeah...... in my brain iwa is one of those people who has Never felt comfortable in their assigned gender at birth and ALWAYS preferred to be referred to as a boy and he growing up. so when he gets older and those thoughts and feelings haven't gone away nobody is even remotely surprised, especially oikawa, who had been referring to him as a guy for years at that point. i like to think by the time he's old enough to play vball in middle school he's completely transitioned socially and he's really excited to be able to play on oikawa's team :') otherwise he's Just Iwachan. he doesn't hide the fact that he's trans but he also doesn't share that fact once people start assuming he's cis at some point in high school

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