Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 3y

hiiii i am enjoying and sightly suffering from the fact that i have fallen for both bokuaka and osaaka HAHAHA as long as akaashi is happy and well fed and getting that stress relief d i am happy 😌😌 at the same time i’m scared that this is making me stray from iwaoi AHHHHH!

it's funny you say that bc akaashi is like the only hq char i only see being with one person?? i multiship pretty much everyone so idk why this is. there's so much good osaaka out there tho so i hear you (i read a lot for some unknown reason before i even finished s1 of hq. wtf.). i like when osaaka fics dont try to pretend bokuto doesnt exist and recognize his role in akaashi's life... i am a sucker for Bokuto Is Straight and akaashi suffers directly into the strong arms of osamu

even if you stray from iwaoi its okay bb. they will always be lovin on each other. iwaoi and their popularity steamroll a lot of other ships so they deserve this

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