Claire Riley, J. · 7 answers · 2mo

When it comes to love, what’s the first song that you will give to your lover?

My taste in music might seem predictable, but I love classic romantic songs like Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley and Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra!

Coming Home by NIKI feat HONNE. I remember that one day I gave this song to my girlfriend. It gets me giggling and smiling, and remember how pretty she is until the urge to kiss her face is all I need once we meet soon.

Hmm, a song that I feel relate to my feelings that time. It must be different. Yet, since I have always seen my partner as the silly one, a song I would give to them is: Sweetly Silly — Teddy Adhitya.

I Just Wanna Say I L U by Potret! A little bit TMI, I used to think that song was just a playful one, a joke, karena liriknya yang diulang sepanjang lagu. Once I'm old enough, baru sadar justru sisi seninya ada disitu. Apa yang mau disampaikan dari lagunya ya, cuma I love you? I find it adorable now!

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