anonymous rabbit · 5mo

Hello hellooo!! Been a fan for around two??ish?? Years now and I’ve always adored your creative process and art style!! And your character design and writing capabilities utterly awe me and just wanted you to know that hehe,, but as for my ask I was wondering if there was anyway I could learn more abt ur ocs? I’m aware u have a th and I’ve checked on it but was just asking bc the need to consume is dire ‼️‼️

hihi hi!! omg sorry this is three months later. T_T thank youuuu this is so sweet.. im holding this ask close to my heart. unfortunately there's not really a way to see more, but i have a goal this year to revamp/update my toyhouse so that it's more accessible, especially with the 90312 new ocs i have! a lot of writing on there is from when i was maybe 16 or 17 so it's a little embarrassing lolol.

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