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ask me about my ocs! or whatever... ✰


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anonymous rabbit · 6mo

how do you usually take notes/how is your writing process? I really like the way you write, specially in your toyhouse<3

hiiii!! oh my gosh, my writing process is erm. interesting... i write mostly in chunks or phrases of 2-3 words, then keep mixing and matching them. you can see some it in these screencaps when i was just starting out to write mortise's backstory: 1 2 3 ... this probably creates more questions than answers but it is truly a mystery to me too

anonymous rabbit · 5mo

Hello hellooo!! Been a fan for around two??ish?? Years now and I’ve always adored your creative process and art style!! And your character design and writing capabilities utterly awe me and just wanted you to know that hehe,, but as for my ask I was wondering if there was anyway I could learn more abt ur ocs? I’m aware u have a th and I’ve checked on it but was just asking bc the need to consume is dire ‼️‼️

hihi hi!! omg sorry this is three months later. T_T thank youuuu this is so sweet.. im holding this ask close to my heart. unfortunately there's not really a way to see more, but i have a goal this year to revamp/update my toyhouse so that it's more accessible, especially with the 90312 new ocs i have! a lot of writing on there is from when i was maybe 16 or 17 so it's a little embarrassing lolol.

anonymous rabbit · 3mo

Of all your ocs, which one is your favorite?

um TBH this is a hard question to answer. i think rinko is, at least design wise! meiyue a close second... kokoro also... ohhh i can't decide AHHH

anonymous rabbit · 5mo

hi me and my friend inherited the crk guild due to inactivity did you guys like want the leadership back or something 💀💀💀 idk if you've already asked for it from him because I haven't logged on in a hot second

HELP OMG i logged back in after a bit and saw... tbh i'm totally okay with w/e LOL. we are just vibing<3

anonymous rabbit · 5mo

hi I've really loved your art and ocs for years! How did you get started with rp and making friends to talk about OCs with cause it's something i'm really struggling with right now haha

hi!! thank you so much! honestly i don't remember, i've been part of rp communities for... since i was 13. i think the first thing is just take the leap! i also follow a lot of people who like ocs, and we naturally ended up talking about our ocs in various situations hehe.

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

hi!! i love your oc Mariëlle and i was wondering if there was more lore or info on her character! also what font did you use for her character sheet?

hello~ mariëlle is a throwaway character for a shared oc universe i made with my friend! in that universe, demons/angels/supernatural creatures are all known as "numen", and magic takes inspiration from the principles seen in weather phenomena! mariëlle hasn't really been used in the universe, but a lot of my new characters are, like crecélle, whom i posted a WIP of on my main account :-) hopefully i can introduce more characters soon~

the fonts i used for her character sheet are spectral and spectral SC!

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

honestly not a ask but I really really love all your ocs , i do know your th is pretty old but like .. it's so nice to look at and take in all of your ocs. i want to eat them and squish them + i really love rinko , her pink and moth bug themed design speaks to my soul oughgo..

oh thank you so much ;_; i really like rinko too, she's one of my main ocs! hopefully i can draw more of her in the future hehe (☆ω☆)

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

hi!! what program do you use for art? what pen's do you use mostly for coloring?

hi! i use photoshop for art~
as for brushes, i mainly use the "gouache" brush from this set by loish with the pressure turned off:

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

hi!! im so in love with how you write prose for your characters in your toyhouse— whats your general process when you create ocs? what do you prioritise and what steps do you take when making them?

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

what program do you use to write? google docs, scrivener, something else...

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

i’ve always wanted to know what font you often use for story writing or character descriptions! i’ve been agonising on it for an embarrassing amount of time… also what do you use to add text to create character sheets?

a classic favorite of mine is calibri ^_^
and i use photoshop, but i think most art programs allow you to add text to them!

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

when you say "campaigns," what do you mean? like, D&D? or some sort of RPG?

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

I would love to know more about Meiyue and Rinko please…! May i ask you to spill me their entire lores, i don’t mind if they’re imcomplete, i just really want to know…!!!

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

Hi 🥺💖 How did Meiyue become a magical girl… 🫣

hello!! well you see, one day, meiyue opens the small jewelry box her mother keeps locked out of sight in the top dresser drawer... and cuts her finger on a shard of glass.

anonymous rabbit · 7mo

hey, if you don't mind me asking, HOW did you do that mi-cha spreadsheet? it looks fucking AMAZING. i wasn't expecting anything like that, goddamn

i've spent the last few years learning how to bend google sheets to my will, heh. •̀.̫•́✧

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