Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

 𓏹 β„™π–†π‘ŸαΆ¦π•’β‚• 𓏲ེ Β· 9 answers Β· 10mo

 ( 𓁼 ∘ ΰΌ„ ) 20 followers already, so I thought I might as well start one of these.

β€ƒπ“Š†β€ƒπ—€π—’π—§π——;β€ƒπŸ˜πŸœ.πŸ™πŸ˜β€ƒπ“Š‡β€ƒDo you try hard on your appearance? If you do, for what reason? Going out of your way to dress up, even if the event doesn't require it, or stressing about having an imperfect hair day ...
β€ƒπ“Š†β€ƒπ—¦π—’π—§π——;β€ƒπŸ˜πŸœ.πŸ™πŸ˜β€ƒπ“Š‡β€ƒAbout A Girl, by Nirvana.

i worry a lot about how people perceive me with certain outfits or hair styles. I don't usually go out of my way to try new things, ( other aesthetics or etcetera ) instead, I try to uplift whatever I'm wearing to make myself feel better. my fashion sense comes from y2k / gothic subgenre so I generally try to appeal to them (^∧^)

it warms my heart when people compliment and acknowledge the look I'm going for !

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