curious kind little mouse · 3mo

How do you feel about tomboy characters? Are there any tomboy characters that you like?

Hmmmm... The blunt answer is, I don't like them-!! So no, I don't like any characters that are this. But digging into this a little more, I think I struggle with grocking the term itself & have struggled since childhood... Never liked the thought that if a girl just acts a certain way, she gets termed a 'boy' in some manner. Because you get into the issue of what 'acting like a boy' even means... whose metric is this. We talking about just wearing? Shorts? Having short hair? Playing, with 'boy things'?? Somehow it makes me sad & frustrated to think about a character I like being deemed a tomboy just because she does any of this. Like if one saw a kindergarten age Nene-chan with her scruffy rat qualities, loving ghouls n skulls, and deemed her a tomboy, sigh, CAN'T A GIRL JUST... etc.

So I dislike the term + I disagree with what often qualifies as a tomboy. The part 2 of this though is — let's say it's undeniably a tomboy we're dealing with, no grey area. Perhaps the character themselves would flat-out would ID with the word tomboy. Well by then I'm put-off LOL... Doooon't like masculinity, so I don't like masc girls. Would actually sooner go with a very feminine boy. My alignment is such. The delicate fairy-like shota much more valuable than punky boorish loli.

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