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curious kind little mouse · 3mo

Very off beat with other questions as of lately but I am so intrigued by the way you draw mouths and teeth. would you ever do a tutorial?

While I'm flattered in the interest, I'm not very capable of doing things like tutorials💦 Making graphics and explaining things that way, not my strongsuit, and I don't really have the time or motivation atm... 🙇‍♂️ I don't think I do anything that particular with mouths myself, mostly I just really like tension of the skin around lips, what pinches when one snarls, neers, wrinkles their face etc. I like gums being exposed... Though nowadays I've been trying to be more modest with mouths, as I like things with petite/short feeling snoots, I want to preserve the prettiness of that, and not get lost in the mouth encompassing too much of the face. Bc a higher percentage of mouth might accidentally make the face more proportionally jaw than I want... I'd prefer eyes taking up more real-estate. Just some things on my mind lately, idk if that's helpful but.............. !! !!!! *smiles dumbly.*

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