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Clavendra Hiroshi · 11 answers · 1mo

how was your day guys? cause mine went bad

It's a good day but mine was kind of boring. Still, i'm grateful that i'm healthy tho. Go grab something sweet bro, they say it can boost your mood

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

ihacoy kak

Hello there, thanks beforehand. But can i ask why? because i might not be what you expected or maybe it just a passing admiration. I understand. 🙇

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Ada orang yang lagi kamu suka gak?

Owl 🦉 · 5 answers · 2mo

Cara kamu mengatasi kesepian dengan bagaimana?

Honestly, i've never really gotten used to feeling lonely, even though i'm comfortable doing things alone and i enjoy my own company. But isn't that normal because we're social creatures? most of the time, i just try to focus on being thankful for what i have and finding peace within myself. And i know it might sound a bit religious, but i truly believe that finding solace can come through prayer to Allah.

Micha🍓 · 2mo

haiii semoga hari kamu berjalan dengan baik yaaa! 🌟

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How many followers is too many?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hey, masih kenal aku? Aku akuin waktu itu aku salah karna melepas kamu begitu saja, tapi ntah mengapa rasanya akhir-akhir aku ingin berteman kembali dengan kamu. So, can i be ur friend? Tolong difb ya kalau ada akun yang follow kamu. Thank you and sorry

Hey juga, masih ingat kok. Gapapa, karena saat itu saya juga masih ada pacarnya jadi fokusnya ke mantan pacar saya. Makasih masih mau hitung saya jadi temen kamu yaa. Boleh, boleh. Ayo ngobrol di dm. Maaf jadi kamu yang follow duluan soalnya saya gatau acc kamu yang mana sekarang. Sama samaa, saya minta maaf juga ya :D

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

semangat skripsiannyah!🌟

Micha🍓 · 2mo

dammar suka buah apaa? 🫨

Leviathan · 2mo

Gimana kabarnya sama si cewek yang itu 🙊

Hahaha nothing happened. Just thingking, it's kinda too fast to jump into a new relationship 😩

Leviathan · 2mo

Abang nanti kalau udah lulus mau kerja di luar pulau abang yang sekarang gak?

That's a good question. I've discussed this a lot with my family. Honestly, i want to build my career here because i already have many friends and work connections since i moved here. This city has had a huge impact on me, and my parents fully support me (lucky me), so why not, right? But i've had a change of heart lately because the cost of living outside the city is really high. I want to save for my future, so it looks like i'll be starting from scratch again in my hometown.

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