mifnay · 1y

do u have any headcanon of phanwhis... 🤲

Im glad you asked (crack fingers) okay so. I hc that Phantom often invites Whisperain to go cafe sampling (?) whenever the RI ship stopped by, he said its just one of his ways to thank her for always treating his wounds personally (even if she knew its not actually allowed). Alright but thats not all, he asked because he associate “going to cafe” with fond memories (he met miss Christine when he spent his day off at a cafe) so he wanted to cherish it this time too! And on the way both of them will talk about mundane things, maybe Whisperain will tell him about the movies she watched recently, but that’s the point of this kind of outing, just to let them have the taste of normal happy life (cmon they deserve it) okay thats one and thank you for coming to my tedtalk 🫶

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