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anonyanyanya · 23d

thoughts on enciodes

stinky cat. say #NO to capitalism!

serious answer: i rlly like his character and the way he was written in break the ice. he was a nice antagonist(?) there tbh. had me gripping the handles of my seat in anger but like in a good way(?) bc i know what he does is for the best interest of kjerag, even if his methods are... quite somethinf!
what he did to anya was a douchebag move too im ngl
overall a well written chara. also i once ate bubur/porridge with him in my dream (important information)

anonyanyanya · 23d

have fun on your trip! i miss u around here :(

dee · 23d

where are you going bestie

to another province!! im going to the special region of jogjakarta for convention stuff weehee

anonyanyanya · 23d

8 hours train omg?! what would jumel be up to if they were going on a roadtrip like that

HOOOHOOOHEEEHEEEE if it were a night train like the one im taking methinks amel would be asleep soundly despite the rigid seats, and juned would struggle to sleep in comparison... :3c if it were a daytime train, amel would be staring at the scenery in awe, and rope juned into playing a game of "count how many rice fields there are!" or something (HUH). juned would often go to the cafeteria in the train just to straighten his legs also. oh and ofc they sit side by side teehee... eepy amel leaning her head on juned's shoulder... hehehehehe....

silver/silv · 6mo

hey bestie its me again. i just asked for a comm from u but now im thinking abt doing it again next time u open (<—her ass has NO money) now wheres my forehead kiss

BESTIE...!!!!!!!! DAWG IM NOT EVEN DONE WITH UR COMM (<-SUFFERING FROM TUMMY ACHE DISEASE) but also im gonna save a slot for u next time bro... :piens: anyways heres ur forehead kiss (KISSES UR FOREHEAD SO HARD THERE'S A SMACK SOUND)

silver/silv · 7mo

listening to ko ko bop rn

twin please stop. i can't keep being haunted by ko ko bop foreve.r. i am listening ot them RN

anonyanyanya · 8mo

OH NO DW I LOVE THAT... tell me about your slow burn ideas

UMMM well i rarely think about touken ranbu nowadays (i am super duper late in answering this question) but well you know.... you know (you dont know) maybe like. um. i feel like magoroku would be casual to yasusada but yasusada is like. quite aloof? oh help me. IT'S JUST. I CAN'T IMAGINE IT RIGHT NOW their closest interaction would be yasusada saying "horses have cute eyes" offhandedly while they were on horse duty together and magoroku going "that's something coming out of you" yeah! i have no idea what this means

anonyanyanya · 8mo

rokuyasu dispatched alone at ikedaya. what's the vibes. go

silver/silv · 8mo

jk u dont have to do that . hope u r okay and u drink responsibly love u always

silver/silv · 8mo

stream HEARTSTEEL - PARANOIA out now on youtube dot com

silver/silv · 8mo

bestie do NAWT give up on rokuyasu i will actually strangle you bc u cant leave me alone like this . they have the most amazing and terrifying sex and yasusada always says he hates him and thinks hes sleazy as hell but everyone sees him leaving roku’s room in the mornings anyway and people who are in the same unit as roku know by now not to mention yasusada ever or he will spend the rest of the day distracted, fawning over and thinking about him


anonyanyanya · 8mo

i feel like yasu would be absolutely obsessed with magoroku, basically a more bloodthirsty version of horikawa

would he now... i think it's sexier if it's the other way around TBH. magoroku secretly obsessed but yasu is IDGAFcore

anonyanyanya · 9mo

i hope magoyasu have the softest dates before returning to their private quarters for the messiest, loudest sex

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