친애하는, claire. · 6 answers · 2mo

⋆ ౨ৎ if you could travel back in time and change one event in your life, what would it be and why? what impact do you think this change would have on your current present day?

I wish I could go back from my JHS era. I want to fix so many things that make me regret it until now. I believe, there will be a good big impact that can change me and my family terrible life now.

Going back to when I was in vocational school, I wish I could have studied well back then, so I could enter the university I truly hoped for. However, whatever happens in my life now, I am truly grateful for experiencing it.

Mungkin saya mau kembali ke jaman SMP kelas 8 kali ya... Saya seharusnya berusaha lebih keras di masa itu, tapi saya malah leha-leha.

i would def not pick my current uni, bc the cost is soooo high n i feel so bad n like a constant burden to my parents 😭😭

if i chose another uni w lower fees, my life would change completely 😭😭😭 i wouldnt have the same friends, the same experiences, the same knowledge, the same everything. so i definitely would choose a diff university!!

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