친애하는, claire. · 7 answers · 2mo

⋆ ౨ৎ pals, i would love to know your hidden-potential! if you could immediately learn any skill—even if it's a fantasy or completely unrealistic—what would it be?

Pengen bisa menghentikan waktu. Biar kalau saya hampir telat masuk kerja atau masuk kuliah, saya bisa menghentikan waktu terus jalan sendiri dan nggak telat waktu masuk.

im extremely lazy, so i love the idea of being able to teleport😭😭 n telekinesis would be sooo cool, im assuming u mean like moving objects w ur mind??? that would b awesomeeee yk!! u could fly n travel without a plane, u could b so op omg😭 n imagine ur enemies tryna run towards u n u just throw their entire body around like rag dolls, that would b so damn hilarious 😭😂😭

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