herbariume · 8 answers · 1y

what's your MBTI? are there any MBTI type you look up to? :o

Mine is ISFP! MBTI aku cuma pernah ganti sekali jadi INFP tapi selebihnya selalu ISFP. Jujur aku kurang tau banyak tentang MBTI, tapi aku suka energi ENFP. Mereka full of happy energy.

MINE WAS INFJ!! aku tertarik sama orang yang mbti nya ENFJ atau ENFP atau INFJ kaya aku juga >__<

my mbti is infj-t and 2w1 :D there's no mbti type i really look up to tho but i guess i enjoyed interacting with extroverts (since i'm a pretty quite person)

ISFP but I took another test a few months later and I got an ISTP. As long as I feel comfortable no matter what MBTI they have, I'm fine.

The first time I took the test I got INFJ and a few months ago I got INTJ and also last week I got INFJ so I guess I have an INFJ for my MBTI. Hm.. I don't know I didn't really think about it.

mine is infj-t! i don’t really care about their mbti as long as i could feel comfortable around them, then it’s all good!

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