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cabeman hunder · 4d

Mizuki attempts to stuff herself with soda but the machine malfunctions - moaning consues

"So, this is the thing?" Akiyama Mizuki giggled as she fingered the roughshod wires and exposed tubes of the machine beneath her. "This how Enanan got sooo fat?" She chortled, quickly recognising the typical signs that this was none other than Kamishiro Rui's handiwork. A human pump, designed for making people impossibly plump. Exactly what it'd done to Mizuki's girlfriend, in a matter of months.

Spying a still full bottle of soda beneath Ena's bed, and not far from the pump, Mizuki didn't take long to predict what it was supposed to be used for. An entire two-litre bottle of soda, waiting at attention, to be dumped into this spider-like machine — and then pumped right into Ena's belly, and no doubt make her even slobbier, fatter and rounder. Mizuki purred as she pictured it, struggling not to touch herself from the pleasure of imagining Ena's face bulging with soda and calories.

With Ena downstairs though, and no doubt struggling with a household that had all of a sudden gotten so much smaller, Mizuki had free reign of the rotund artist's bedroom. She'd been looking forwards to watching Ena waddle back into the room with enough snacks to feed a small army, but this took precedence, for sure.

"Enanan, such a dirty secret...!" Mizuki teased no-one in particular as she popped out the OUT tube, running her finger around the feeding-hole and shivering as she found it still a bit damp with saliva. Ena really had been guzzling from it, not too long ago. Surely, she'd be doing to exact same thing once Mizuki left, too...

Just a bit wouldn't hurt... Mizuki joked to herself as she set her hands upon the dutifully-waiting soda bottle, tearing its cap off, and dumping as much of it as she could into the pump's storage unit. "Hehehe," she giggled, unable to separate the storage vat from her mental image of Ena's bulging face. As soda was disgorged into it, she pictured Ena growing teary and pale, her cheeks just as puffed up as her belly always was. For a bratty girl, she really could be a handful when she wanted. "You're gonna get so round, Enanan...!" Tossing the now empty bottle aside, Mizuki just stared at the pump with a conflicted look, oh-so tempted by it's pregnant readiness to destroy the waistlines of any girl who might be so stupid as to try it.

"Then again," Mizuki had never called herself smart, though. Before she knew it, the tube was in her own mouth. Fiddling with the buttons like she actually knew which one started the damn thing, Mizuki dragged up the hem of her top with one hand, rubbing her flat belly and picturing it growing as wide, thick and round as Ena's engorged stomach always was. "Jusht a biht!" She chuckled to herself as she heard the pump whine, whinge and spur into action.

When Shinonome Ena returned to her room — with enough donuts to fill two plates — she almost dropped her calorie-stuffed hoard. Shimmying sideways through her door, too obese to manage any other way, she went pale as she spotted Mizuki writhing on the floor, frothing at the mount at spasming at the fingertips. "Mizuki?!" She yelped, but quickly saw what was really going on; like an idiot, Mizuki had hooked herself up to the stuffing machine. Not only that, but she hadn't even done it properly.

"Uhnanahn..." Mizuki garbled, through the constant onslaught of soda. With each second, her belly gargled and leapt upwards, as if the drink was trying to escape the idiot's belly. "Hewp...!" She sobbed, another pump-full of the stuff seeping into her helpless mouth.

"Mizuki..." Settling down after the scare she'd suffered, Ena rolled her eyes and slipped a down into her mouth, patting her fat belly as she mourned only the calories that she would be missing out on. "You switched in on to turbo mode...."

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