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cabeman hunder · 4d

"Hffh— That's enough now K-kaoruko !" trapped under her own engorged gut, Futaba can only whine as her girlfriend goes to town on her shiny new stim toy.

Isurugi Futaba couldn't believe her eyes; not for a single second. Her girlfriend's eyes, which were usually so dour and sour, were alight with excitement, right now. As if someone entirely else had possessed her, Kaoruko seemed to be shimmering with stimulation, and positively irradiated with what could only be dangerous levels of anticipation. There was only one problem. "Kaoruko, come on... This kinda... Hurts...!" Futaba groaned, feeling her belly twitch, pulse, and then rise another inch into the air.

"You'll be — Gulp — fine, Futaba-han," with every second, Hanayagi Kaoruko's evil little fingers twiddled closer and closer to the mass she was so entranced by. Futaba's belly was currently a sweltering, sloshing mass of something. Either way, it oozed sweat, and stank of so many bodily fluids that it was almost amazing. With every passing second, the sludge that Kaoruko had so carelessly poured down Futaba's throat as if she were a trash-can, seemed to be bloating into a near-sentient hunk of flubber. At first, the miserly mistress hadn't even been interested — but now that Futaba's tummy was a hulking, heaving mass of gurgling flesh and digesting woes, it was all she could talk about. "You'll probably digest it, anyway."

"Probably?!" Futaba cursed as her pyjama-top rode up her chest another foot, rolling backwards as Futaba's body expanded, and bulged to fit the goop inside of her's rapidly increasing demands. Even if it was beneath her skin, Futaba could feel her organs shuffling and rearranging as her tummy became the single largest part of her. Like part of a dome, even Futaba's ribs began to arch to accommodate it all. "That's not too — Ngh — reassuring!"

Kaoruko ignored the yelps of her misbegotten girlfriend, obsessed with the turbo-heat belly currently on display in front of her fingers instead. Nearly lost in a reverie, Kaoruko's trembling hands plapped against the swelling mass, feeling the twitches and spasms of Futaba's flesh like they were entire revelations of pleasure. "So fat..." She moaned, under her breath.

"So What?!" Futaba howled, so incensed at her own expansion that she slapped her belly — something she promptly regretted, as it lurched back and forth like a pile of jelly. "I'm gonna get fat offa this?!" She squealed, her head tipping back as the first load of gloop was digested, sending entire handfuls of the gooey mass into her greedy intestines. "I-I'm gonna be fat..." She groaned, now full of despair, instead of disbelief. As if to prove her point, the squishiness of Futaba's belly was suddenly enhanced — not by more goop, but by a burgeoning pair of love handles.

Kaoruko's eyes glittered once more as she ran her hands along her girlfriend's sweaty belly, revelling in the fact that in mere hours, she'd be fatter than fat. "Don't worry, Futaba-han," once again, Kaoruko tried to calm her, but this time the issue wasn't whether she'd be getting big or not. "I'll buy you plenty of new clothes, okay?"

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