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anon · 24d

Do you know if there are as many Jmjn stans in China as in Korea? Is there a minno vs n0mn fight in China? I also want to know how serious Kfans are about Jaemjen? In Indonesia, very few people like jmjn. People would call me weird because I like Jaemjen and I like Jaemin as top

in cfandom jaemjen (or minnuo as they call it) is still the minority and nowhere near as pervasive as in kfandom, although i have seen a slight emergence of mn fans in the corners of chinese internet that i frequent! if we’re going by supertopic stats on weibo, nomin outnumbers minno 70k to 23k nomin hegemony is still quite dominant amongst cfans no matter what. but perhaps because i curate my spaces so rigorously and surround myself with likeminded fujos (alljen / jaemall / ppl who like 娜哥狗妹 etc) i rarely see reverse order cfan content anymore unless i stray into like generalized c-dreamzen spaces…which reminds me that i can never watch dream videos on bilibili bc all the people there are nominist and constantly remind me in the floating bullet comments 😭 so yes there could similarly embittered discourse about top and bottom dynamics on occasion but i find that cfandom and east asian fandoms in general have less of that because they’ll tag for ship order and only frequent spaces that show their preferred dynamics and have all that info in bio/pinned so others can do the same.

and obviously this is a generalization but in my experience kfans are VERY serious about jaemjen! they are sooo serious about their top jaemin (has ranked #1 dream top on postype for like the past 5 years) it is so funny and i respect it so much bc me too. i know there are some big kr accounts that seem to be order-agnostic and don’t care either way bc they’ll tag both ship names but most of the k-jmjnists i keep up with are decently strict about it.. this op is not a kfan but i always laugh when i remember her tweet like girl same..

aw anon i’m pretty sure i’ve had other seasian jmjnists also commiserate about feeling ostracized in my cc before too, you guys are not alone!! you’re not weird… you’re so normal and i love u…never stop shipping jaemjen and jaem1n 🫶🫡

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