Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 9d

please just don’t even dare mention fem hc nahyuck fic like that’s so evil and some of us have read all of your fics 5000 times and can only wish you somehow become hypnotised and forced to dust off google docs exhales

girl ME TOO 😭😭 trust me if i could find a way to somehow force myself to excise all 30k+ of assorted dream wips out of my gdocs and onto ao3 as fully formed fics i would’ve done so already!! i do genuinely feel apologetic every time i unintentionally end up baiting you guys during a fleeting burst of short lived motivation and then not delivering anything. which has been happening for the past four years whsndkfkmf unfortunately writing and i have been in a long term toxic situationship where we ignore each other 99% of the time but still text once every other month to remind the other of our existence. and what could be. nothing more nothing less… 😂 though i am genuinely heart touched by your support of my meager existing ao3 repertoire anon <3 perhaps i may even be feeling inspired to get back into the mines again… i do have several nahyuck ideas i should revisit after all 🤔

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