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Anonymous Coward · 10mo

cw for some self harm elements
puts this idea here: Sad/depressed vampire Shuji au, where he never leaves his house, and just starves himself (he can live without the blood, and has never found any appeal in killing nor depending on others for his own sustenance. (I'm robbing this man who wants to die so much his ability to die, basically)

Enter, regular human Takeharu who lands in his doorstep injured, torso drenched in blood. Shuji nurses him back to health with little else to do, whilst Takeharu is baffled as to why this strange vampire doesn't harm a hair on his head (Perhaps most other vampires of this universe are almost rabid in their hunger). Anyway, as Takeharu recovers, he keeps the obviously lonely vampire company, maybe even learns a thing or two about how much it sucks (hah) to be a vampire.

A lot of the set-up here is mostly for Shuji to rekindle a little bit of passion in his life. As Shuji's interest and feelings for Takeharu grow, his warm blood becomes more and more enticing to Shuji, in a way he's never felt before. They eventually fuck and Shuji takes a bite at Takeharu's pleading, with shuji having an orgasmic experience from drinking his delicous blood.

Lol TLDR all this is just musing some slow-ish burn of Shuji being stirred alive by the kind handsome man that face planted in his doorstep psft.

This honestly sounds like a great idea for a one shot fic. I love Ikutsuki and Takeharu's vampire shenanigans ehehehh

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