Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Why do you think Strega never brings up what a traitor Shuji is to SEES 🤔 Or am I missing something and they only got to know of his true intentions after his death? This is mostly because they protected some of the Shadows, thinking their elimination would end the Dark Hour, yet knew of Shuji's deceptive nature with SEES? It's really wild to me how even Mitsuru cants seem to dig up Kirijo group dirt lol

They probably weren't aware of Shuji's intentions and the truth about the Fall cuz, apparently, NO ONE but Shuji was. Which is kinda wild. Tbh both Strega and Mitsuru were quite young so they might not remember all the details. However I still can't comprehend how granddaddy Kirijo managed to hide smth as huge as the true purpose of his research from his own son is baffling to me. Really shows how they weren't even remotely close to each other

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