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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Shuji meets Maruki, what would they be like?

These two research freaks would blab about cognitive psience for hours while drinking tea and eating cookies. Takuto would notice a "block" of sort whenever they would talk about anything personal tho. It's like Shuji is always giving him surface-level knowledge, wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. Takuto would try to find out what his desire is, but Shuji would always lie or change the subject. Would he ever fins out about his true desire? Probably not. But if he did... hoo boy, I think Takuto would try to neglect this one, ahahah.
Now Shuji would think that Takuto would be the first in line to destroy the world for everything it had done to him and his loved ones, but, surprisingly, no, he chose to save it, to make it better. Shuji doesn't understand him, and he never will. They are fundamentally different people with different worldviews and different experiences.
Despite everything, Takuto loves.
Due to everything, Shuji hates.
And it's fine. They can still drink their tea and pretend everything is good and well. They can pretend until the stars burn out.

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