

I might not respond to every question but it doesn't mean I hate you I promise I giggled

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Anonymous Cutie · 2d

tr filming that rizz tiktok with mtw (and rik)…. i hope the dick was worth it 😂

it's soooooo funny god. the stupid things some good dick will make you do 😂

Anonymous Cutie · 7d

Matthew was hugging Tae Rae by his shoulders with both arms and it's so cute!! Please I need a full picture of it.

very much picturing it like the opposite of the high school dance pose in the colorgram pics 😭 soooooo cute

Anonymous Cutie · 6d

Hello! Do you have a fav Mattrae moment recently?

the blanket cuddles are hard to be defeated in general goddd that immediately shot way up the list!!!

Anonymous Cutie · 6d

funny how geonmaet is geon’s and maybe maet’s (idk how jyungseok is doing these days) biggest ifan ship, maettael is tael’s biggest ifan ship, and geontael is geon’s and tael’s biggest kfan ship. idc about shipwars bc all i see is geonmaettael real

geonmmaettael also real in geon's dreams....but ye i love that those 3 are basically circling each other as the favorite pairs!!

Anonymous Cutie · 7d

What's up with zeroses having a hate boner towards everyone who ships Maetael? We're literally like, 15 survivors out here and they still try to make every single one of us as the villain.

I saw the one person earlier who was clearly just baiting and trolling 😮‍💨 my advice is just block and continue to ignore them, i wouldn't give them any engagement even if you're not technically fighting. They'll get bored and move on. like imagine how much more embarrassing it would be to bash a ship out of nowhere and get zero interactions lol

Anonymous Cutie · 7d

someone on weibo posted an updated rank of all zb1 ships on postype and geontael is #3 now wow that's crazy

omg. honestly i wouldn't be surprised if they keep rising, they are actually actually giving a ton of material to work with these days 👀

Anonymous Cutie · 7d

He toootally does!! I know there's plenty of dissertations out there explaining the rise in purity culture better than I could but we too easily forget that some people--and Gunwook is at the top of this list--WANT others to find them sexy!! and that's perfectly normal!!! and it's normal if you DO find him sexy!!

And yeah, the fandom is quite awful sometimes. I know they're far from the only terrible fandom, in fact most of the fandoms this size are unbearable but 😮‍💨 that's why i just try to stick in my own little corner...

Anonymous Cutie · 7d
Anonymous Cutie · 8d

hii can u put me on the taerae calling people unnie agenda cause i had no clue of this information and i need for the sake of my sanity know all about it thxxx ❤️❤️

Anonymous Cutie · 8d

the unnie comments is so funny because with "gyuvin oppa" he was obviously teasing doesn't this mean he also teases other member by calling them unnie 😭 (we know it's hao)

Anonymous Cutie · 9d

Noo, I meant what app do you use to edit the translations.
My bad!

OH SORRY haha I use Video.Guru by InShot! but I've heard the ads are awful on an iPhone and keep interrupting you?? but it's only ever played ads on my android when I'm done, while it's converting.

Anonymous Cutie · 9d

jw lives with his gf in his own house

Anonymous Cutie · 9d

what actually happened in the live why is everyone so mad was the comments that bad ?

basically, according to him a lot of comments (not during the live but on insta/twitter/plus chat after he posted pics) said they'll quit stanning if he bulks up and that upset him because he just wants to take care of his health 😭 and people are obviously upset because he's upset and then on top of that frustrated because the past few months he's been bombarded with comments that he's too feminine!!! so like what the fuck is he supposed to do!!!

Anonymous Cutie · 9d

What app do you use to translate?

???? my brain? I mean I'm not a native speaker so sometimes I look up words/slang/context but I am actually translating using the korean i have studied if that's what you're wondering?? 😅

Anonymous Cutie · 9d

Have you ever fell out of love with an idol?

oh ofc. thankfully with my biases, it's usually not in a, omg they disappointed me or said something and got canceled way but occasionally someone ends up drifting rather drastically from what originally drew me to them, be it personality or music or whatever else so I can't really keep up my interest. I still feel quite fond of all my old biases when they do cross my path and I don't regret following them~ I don't worry about it too much most of the time, I've been into kpop for too many years now so at this point half the idols i liked at one point are not or barely in the industry to begin with 😅😭

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