Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon · 3mo

are people not allowed to just say hey where’s other people who like what i like! in an innocent way and not saying anything bad abt whatever the fuck you like…. Give it a rest if u actually liked them switching you wouldn’t be mad about this

If you actually looked at what I said, you would see I wasn’t talking about those people (that is totally okay!) I was talking about the people who WERE saying bad things, and being weird about other people’s preferences. And if you looked at anything I’ve ever recommended or written you would see I DO like them switching so I suggest you start doing research before entering my inbox. Because I’m not mad, I just thought SOME people were being annoying, said my one piece about it, and moved on. Something the people flooding my inbox rn have not done!

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