alle 🪼 · 3mo

it's bedtime! how do your ocs like to sleep

Oh boy here we go (none of these kids are normal I'm telling you-)

Ruina: She's still getting used to the ways of human society and has to be constantly be reminded of many bedtime necessities like how the kitchen floor is not an adequate place for a child to sleep ( she says she likes how the floor is cold and that it smells good all the time but she's given Nero one too many a fright and now she's banned from the kitchen without an escort past 9 pm-)

Reyn: Being the workaholic she is Reyn sets aside time to review case documents or read books/news reports before bed every night without fault. Her clothes are always neatly set aside to assure they aren't crinkled. She tries to go to bed at reasonable hours there will be many a time when she's too busy pondering over a new case to see the sun starting to rise...

Astel: Astel is an odd one. Due to her job back in her village being one done at late hours she's used to spending nights awake and getting some sleep in the morning. One long lecture from Faust later though she's learning to get to bed at respectable hours, and so her bedtime routine consists of some warm milk from Nero and a book to read to help her get sleepy.

Siena: Siena likes to spend some time winding down before bed, either sitting in the library or chatting with whoever decides to stop by her room that day. Sometimes she'll pull out her grandfathers old sage's journal and read through it whenever she feels too lonely. (I'd say she has the most normal routine of them all) (The occasional northern wizard shenanigans she gets out through aside of course).

Amia: Amia is by no means used to have a good nights sleep. She has grown accustomed to constantly being alert, taking turns staying up keeping watch, fighting, trying to stay alive that (though she won't admit it) the peace in the manor does not calm her. She tries to fall asleep naturally but more often than most you can find her on the roof of the manor watching the night sky until sleep creeps up on her.

(left out some of the others to keep it bearable to read but I can add the others on later too if you're interested shfkh)

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