Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mmmhrhghrg Β· 3mo

do you know where dev is

dude idfk why would you waste my time asking me this 😭 taking the opportunity to talk about till alien stage instead

till body parts i will sexualize next:
β˜… feet, toes. sean makes fun of me for not being repulsed by feet but it's not about the feet man it's about the devotion. and the toes
β˜… nipples in several hours if i can get it together. i bet you're excited about that, anon
β˜… i want to do body mod worship, piercings specifically. might put that on the ol' alnst kink meme
β˜… i bet till would have dimples of venus (those lower back dimples). anyway ivan should come on them
β˜… do u think till has enough ass fat to hot dog. no ok he doesn't . feederism until he does
β˜… his hair is real nice. ivan should steal his hair

ok that's all i've got for now

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