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melt my icy heart


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Hat McCullough · 2mo

What are non traditional abo dynamics?? Like, what makes them non traditional? Every fic I read says non traditional and I'm so confused

Hat McCullough · 3mo

Hello Isla I adore all of your fics very much! I would give up the world just to read your fics ❤ I want to support you and all of my favorite authors by at least leaving a comment but sometimes I worry my comments, even the positive ones, can be annoying or obnoxious... have you ever found a comment like that? do you have any pet peeves for ao3 comments (negative or positive)? maybe a disclaimer for ao3 commenters?

Hat McCullough · 3mo

I love ur work sm I’m DYING for the last chapter, I beg of u let me make u art for this final chapter

waITTT which fic?? i thought you meant the metro craig one but i updated that after you sent this so idk!! either way, plz plz i always love fanart wahhgh that's every writer's dream 🥺 plz feel free to send another anon or tag me/DM me heheh 💗

Hat McCullough · 4mo

I didnt understand in your last fic if craig was just an asshole or if he really didint know tweek was not okay BUT I loved it so much, another banner, ur amazing

it's got another 1-2 parts so what each guy thought will be addressed for sure! i was just writing some yesterday. i'd be able to have it out sooner but i have an exchange fic due sunday so keep an eye out for the next bit of metro craig after that!

Hat McCullough · 4mo

Can I make a criticism?? 'cow' characters shouldn't be skinny, busty women but rather strong, fat ones.

I like the skinny cows but where did they even got idea that the personification of an animal that weighs 510 kg would be a skinny little guy with lateral scoliosis? And fat, strong and big boobs human cows are way hotter I want them to murder me

Hat McCullough · 4mo

Will you ever write incan craig?

yes i would. i just need a good idea for it and also to eat some of the 1,000 WIPs on my plate first :3

Hat McCullough · 4mo
Hat McCullough · 4mo

I gotta ask, do you like kyle or not? (and how would you think he would be like in a relationship with tweek?)

Hat McCullough · 4mo

Do u plan on updating broken clocks? It’s so good and I’ve reread it at least 3 times by now

yes for sure. just this week i came up with a better way to open next chapter. i am still sadly struggling with the fact that i myself chose to incorporate lyrics/musical performances in this bitch and the thought of doing so makes me want to catapult myself out a 3rd story window. however i will not... i will persevere. for YOU anon 🫶

Hat McCullough · 4mo

I thought i didnt like explicit fics (they always felt boring and repetitive to me) until i find yours. Your writing skills are amazing!! (Srry for the bad english)

thank you!! i deeply respect all fic writers doing what they do for free, whether it be porn or non-porn. but i have to be honest... the reason i write so much smut is that i just find it.. easier?? like, the most painful thing to me in the world is writing feelings. streaking those feelings in cum just makes it a lot easier for me idk how else to explain it. i am not ashamed of sex i am very ashamed to be a human being in the world with vulnerabilities and feelings eww icky grosdsss

Hat McCullough · 6mo

How about.. popular guy craig who is obsessed with tweek (and not ashamed of it) while tweek is just freaked out for all the (unwanted) attention but doesnt know how to tell craig thats not onto him (eventually craig will noncon him but he would be like all sweet about it)

Hat McCullough · 5mo

Twussy? Tweekussy? Whatever, but I appreciate your delivery of it 🫶🏽!

thank you!! yes i love all the tweek holes and all the words you can produce by eliding his name with various things. twipples tweekussy twass twiddies don't forget the twummy... twangst twabuse tworment, there's rly a lot you can do
rly excited to get back to my yandere AU again, lot of tweekussy happenings there

Hat McCullough · 6mo

Giggles and kicks me feet bc u responded

heheh awggh i'm very bad at replying and i'm sorry for that. it's my new years resolution to be better at replying to people because all the messages i receive mean so much to me.. i regularly have like a dozen tabs with half-written replies and then my browser crashes and i give up ><

Hat McCullough · 6mo

Top 5 episode? Do you prefer put it down or tweekxcraig?

i'll be honest i have cried every single time i've watched put it down. so idk if it's my fave because i can't watch it without crying 😭

some faves: aspen, pandemic, the ungroundable, free hat, le petit tourette, t vs. c

ok that was 6. i also ofc love t x c and all the tweekisodes and creekisodes but the actual canon creek eps make me so insane i am just overwhelmed with feeling every time i watch them i can't believe they fucking did this

Hat McCullough · 6mo

UR FUCKIN… TWEEK CRAIGSLIST STORY HHH THAT.. omg I love it sm… I physically can’t <3 next time I see ur comms open im begging you for a part 2

thank you so much!! i have more thoughts on that AU for sure and am putting finishing touches on my ugly ass c0mms sheet (graphic design is my passion). i just love weird subversions of expected power dynamics!!! thank you for reading and enjoying tweastfeeding it's so so fun to write new kinks and it means a lot to be able to reach ppl who enjoy them (≧∇≦)/

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