Jaskar Rahadi · 6 answers · 7d

I just saw this post that said, "your love language is based off of what you didn't receive as a child" and I can't stop thinking about it. What do you think?

I think it goes both ways (tergantung orangnya). Your love language can also be what you received as a child or what you didn't receive as a child.

Menurutku sih nggak ya. Maksudnya kayak misal mereka semasa kecil sukanya physical touch sama keluarga, bisa jadi besarnya akan mengingkan hal yang sama dengan pasangan dong karena keterbiasaan itu? Jadi mungkin tergantung juga sih 🤔

It's not like that in my case. My love language is based on what I feel best at when trying to deliver an affection

menurut gua, nggak juga sih... gua lebih ke mirroring treatment kalo sama orang tua. gimana sikap mereka, gua juga sedemikia rupa buat sebaliknya

Such a deep phrase coming from you, but I think it works the other way round for me, though? I tend to project my feelings the way my parents do to me, it’s as if my doings are what they taught me what love supposed to be.

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